Employee Wellness Programme 

With the cost of living increasing dramatically, the decision to ‘heat or eat’ is a reality to a lot of families including your employees. 

As a result, they will be battling with not only managing financial difficulties, but also physical and mental distress, which can lead to isolation and burnout, in turn affecting the business production rates, sickness levels and profit margins.

The Office Of National Statics reports UK during 2021 149.3 million days were lost to illness, that’s 4.6 days per worker. 

With a wellness programme in place you will be able to reduce these figures and create a more positive workplace.

What Does A Wellness Programme look like? 

Wellness programmes are bespoke and individual depending on your company needs.

I use my wide range of qualifications, experience and skills to provide a unique, fully confidential personalised service.


Companies who use my services report that their employees become more positive, more confident, more empowered. Sickness levels reduce and staff retention is at a higher rate than it was previously.

Get in Touch

Ruth Smith The 'Feel Amazing' Therapist. Your Confidence And Wellbeing Restoration Station. 


07771 930311 

Contact me Today
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